Sarah Fulton gave a presentation on the possiblity of using the Allentown Art Museum's Community Gallery for a spring/summer group show. The group could rent the gallery for $100 a week. More details are coming on this idea.
Sharon Hillman spoke about Second Saturdays again. She would like to find out if there are artists in Allentown who have studios that would be interested in opening them to the public once a month. Sharon is also interested in utilizing PPL Plaza or other outdoor space downtown to have buskers, musicians and other street performers participate during Second Saturday. Please contact this address to be forwarded to Sharon:
Joe Skrapits spoke about the 808 Hamilton St. building. (Pictured below.)
Joe said an architect will be examining the interior of the building to determine what kind of code and handicap improvements must be made for it to be occupied by various arts organizations and the public. The building contains 5,000 sq. ft. per floor.
The next meeting is tentatively set for (as usual) the last Sat. of the month, Mar. 28, at House of Chen unless someone offers to host.
I have seen the 808 building and it is really amazing because each floor is huge, and OPEN. I remember the second floor many years ago when it was Open Space Gallery. I encourage artists to take a tour of the building when Joe Skrapits can arrange it.
Thanks for posting Sarah.
I'm sorry I couldn't be at your last gathering. How many people attended? The Chensters keep gathering momentum. It's so exciting!
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