Monday, November 9, 2009

Downtown Gallery Show Planned for the Holidays

Here's the latest on the show planned for 809 W. Hamilton. Send your submissions ASAP:

New Museum Director, Gregory Coates, will curate a show titled "Holiday Gifts."

Greg is seeking artists who feel they can participate in a show which will take on the look of a "gift shop" by submitting art objects they have made or other objects they feel would fit this description. The items would be displayed (and offered for sale, unless otherwise specified) at the gallery at 809 W. Hamilton, which is in a great location across the street from Allentown Brew Works.

This gallery will be promoted to holiday shoppers - so think of things you have created that are likely to sell. That means paintings, sculpture, photos, cards, handmade trinkets like jewelry, pins, hats, scarves, bags, etc., etc....All artists are encouraged to decorate ornaments that can be offered for sale as well.

Again, Greg is requesting that artists send him 3 jpg images so he can view possible selections. Send images to
Deadline for submission is Nov. 16. Set up will take place the following week, with an opening tentatively set for Black Friday, Nov. 27.

Volunteers will also be needed to help clean the space, hang work, and staff the gallery. Contact me at if you'd like to Volunteer in some way.


1 comment:

Chen Arts said...

We hope to get into the gallery space at the end of this week or early next week to clean it out. We could really use some help with bagging up items left there, plus some elbow grease for dusting, polishing, vaccuuming, etc. Please contact me if you'd like to help out: