Ellen, who is helping to coordinate our next group show, presented some details about the show.
It is scheduled for August 7th-20th, with an opening on Aug. 7th at 7pm, at the Antonio Salemme Foundation Gallery on Hamilton St. in Allentown. Thanks to Joe Skrapits for offering the space. There will be a $10 entry fee, and Heather will be collecting the money, which is due at the end of June. Artists can submit up to 3 works of art, through e-mail. We can hang the show salon style, and will be able to fit up to 40 pieces to hang on the walls, plus there will be pedestals for sculpture, and shelving available for displaying art work. We will be limiting the size of the work to 24"x36" We will need volunteers to sit at the gallery, and to accept the work the weekend before the show. If you are interested in participating, please attend the next meeting so we can discuss forming committees of volunteers. If you are interested in showing your work, please volunteer in some way to help with the show. There is a piano at the gallery, and Heather has offered us a pianist to perform at our opening. Thanks Heather!
We discussed possible themes and titles for the show, but decided that we need more artist input, and we should conduct a vote (through group e-mail)
Here are the ideas we discussed: Renewal, Ovation, Emergence, Revolution, and Action
More details about the show will follow through group e-mail.
Sondra, Executive Director of HALA (Hispanic American League of Artists) addressed the group. Sondra is on a planning committee working on turning the vacant Neuweiler Brewery building into an arts center. She is surveying artists, organizations, and business owners to determine what needs they have for space. She will be sending online surveys to artists. The city owns the building, and the DCED (Dept. Community and Economic Development) is working with arts groups like HALA, Arts Luminarium, and others to turn the abandoned building into a green , environmentally sustainable, multicultural home for the arts in Allentown. Ideas we discussed: a possible future gallery space, artist studios, a theatre outlet, fashion, bakery, location to shoot movies.
Hope to see you at the next meeting, and look for e-mails and updates at the blog.
Angie Villa
Fish photo by Gianni